A trip down memory lane with AGW docent Lynn Newman
As spring turns to summer and we wait with anticipation for the date that the AGW can safely open once more, we at the Gallery have been thinking back to times when we were able to gather together at the AGW. One such piece of nostalgia came from one of our docents, Lynn Newman. Join us in taking a trip down memory lane with Lynn!
“Many years ago, I brought my grade three class to tour the Art Gallery of Windsor, which was then housed in a building on Riverside Drive to the west of its current location. I had prepared the students ahead of time and discussed proper gallery etiquette but, as a young teacher, I was a bit nervous about how the tour would go. As such, I made sure to encourage the students to listen well and keep their voices soft. I soon realized that I needn’t have worried, for as we entered the gallery, we discovered a short set of stairs that was illuminated, at the very top, with the large glowing canvas ‘Coming Storm During Harvesting’ by Adolphe Vogt.”
“There was absolute silence in the group as the children were very taken by the painting, amazed by its light and dramatic subject. Beside the canvas stood a docent welcoming us in, setting up the atmosphere for a wonderful visit. The magical sight and feel of that visit has been forever etched in my mind. I could never have imagined that, years later, I would become a docent at the AGW, describing that very same painting to students and teachers!”
Born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Lynn taught for 32 years and specialized in Primary and Junior subjects. She is currently a docent at The AGW and has successfully conducted tours and studio activities for over 12 years.